Hello friend. I've sat down to write an update no less than a dozen times, but every time I write, something comes up. I want my words to mean something. Regardless, we've stepped into a new season of life. I keep thinking "I need to get (insert some miscellaneous home or garden project here) done before fall"... and then it hits me. FALL IS ALREADY HERE. In fact, we've been in the Fall season for over a month now, yet my brain still feels behind the eight ball. Alas, the weather has very much changed. The morning air is crisp and the hillsides are changing colors by the day. It's Fall here, and it's mighty perfect.

This harvest season is different than years past, in the best way. Never before have I felt such a sense of gratitude for the things coming out of the garden and into the kitchen. The cabbage heads I've made into sauerkraut, the tomatoes and peppers we've turned into salsa, the jams and applesauce... we've put up loads of food to store in the cellar for the cold months. We've harvested and processed our own farm raised meats, there's still a few to go this season, but the harvest has been plentiful. This year didn't come without it's failures like losing my basil plants before I was able to harvest them or the corn that never grew over a foot tall. Gardening is always about next year and although I am very much embracing and appreciating the quiet of this season, the dreams of next year's garden sit waiting backstage.

With the change of seasons comes a change in our hearts. The feeling of wanting to tuck in and stay in the moment. The longing for quiet. Dylan and I have both been longing to quiet the noise in our life and turn towards our community. The world has become loud. Louder than the truth. In that vain, we decided it was best for our family to reset this season. Fall and Winter can be a great time to reset.
Practically speaking, this looks like us spending a lot more time here on the farm... something I find truly delightful, to be honest. If you have a farm, you know that the projects never end. Indoor projects include the installation of a woodstove, a kitchen remodel, and a very large amount of cosmetic touch ups to update this little farm cottage. My deepest desire has been to cultivate a space for us and our people to relax, reset and enjoy. It also looks like me spending a lot less time on social media and a lot more time here, on the blog. Sharing my thoughts, my heart, and our life here on our little two acre farm. Sharing it all! So I invite you to join me, once a week, while I share about our little slice of Heaven.

I'm eager to see what comes next week, but I'm so very happy to sit here and soak up what's right in front of me.