I thought it was about time that I introduce you to the rest of our little family, our little rascals: Nemo, Remi and Nora. Nemo and Remi are some of the laziest indoor cats who spend more time napping than anything else. Nora, our feisty explorer, loves to catch shrews and pester our chickens, but always seems to squeeze in a nap on the front porch. Here's their story!

Nemo is his daddy's favorite in our home, even over me some days. Nemo puts Hubby at ease. Those two were best buds before I came around so I don't mind being second choice. After all, who couldn't fall in love with those gorgeous green eyes! Nemo is a Russian Blue with the typical silvery-grey coat and bright green eyes. He is a big cuddle bug and loves any belly scratches brought his way. Hubby got Nemo from the local shelter when he was very young (a little too young we think), so these two have become inseparable. He loves to play (especially when it means attacking toes under the comforter) and is definitely food motivated! He had the biggest belly I had ever seen when I first met him. After a modified diet and the addition of some playmates, he slimmed down and seems to be much happier.

When we first got married, I remember saying, "No animals in the bed!" Let's just say that did last very long... When Hubby went to Police Academy last year, I knew the "No pets in the bed" rule wouldn't last. I needed companions near me so they jumped at the chance to snuggle in bed with me, literally. Other than the occasional "wake up to a cat staring at you" moment, life has been pretty easy since!

This little guy is Remi, our almost two year old baby. He was the first pet we got together and has kept a special place in our hearts since! We got him when he was about 10 weeks old, so after bringing him home, we had to go through the introductory process with the cats. Hubby and I each took a cat (we didn't have Nora at this point), and sat across from each other. Remi had siblings since birth so he didn't have a hard time adjusting, but our prince, Nemo, took a few days to get used to this little kitten being around. Nemo would hiss and run away at first, but eventually, he would let little Remi snuggle up next to him and they would nap in peace.

The boys became the best of friends... and then we brought a new friend home...
Nora is an Egyptian Mau cat, one of my favorite breeds, easily recognizable by the markings on her face (around her eyes) and body (the stripes and spots). This breed is known for it's playful nature and Nora is sure to be true to that charateristic! She uses up all 2.5 acres of our land in addition to the neighborhood around us to hunt. Let's just say I haven't seen any small rodents since this girl came to live with us. She's a keen hunter while also being the sweetest greeter when we come home from work.

We love our Nora girl but we knew she needed more space to adventure than just inside our little home. So after about three weeks of broken flower pots and stress (mostly on my part), we bit the bullet and made her our outside farm cat. For all of you animals lovers, please know, this was so hard for me to do. I wanted all of my babies to be in our warm, comfy home, but I knew that Nora needed more than what I could give her indoors. She adjusted better than I could have ever expected! Within the first week, she brought her first few mice up to the front porch - as if her being adorable didn't already earn her keep! She relaxes by me while I work in the yard, visits while I tend to our chickens, and even walks with me down the driveway to get the mail. She's the best farm cat I could have asked for!
I will point out that she is also probably one of the most spoiled outdoor cats in the world. She sleeps on a chair, on the front porch and gets fed daily, in addition to whatever she hunts. With the colder winter we just had, I even put a heating pad on her chair to ensure that she would be warm enough. I'll do anything for my Nora girl!

Nora isn't the only spoiled one in this household. We bought this 6' cat tower for the boys so that they would have their own space. They have a smaller tower in another room, plenty of toys to keep them entertained, and lots of healthy snacks. We feed them dry kibble daily but every now and then, I'll add minced carrot, spinach, apple cider vinegar and even canned pumpkin to their diet. Carrots and spinach are rich in vitamins while ACV aids in bladder health and helps fight off infections. I also learned about giving animals canned pumpkin this last fall. Pumpkin is high in fiber (aids in digestion) and zinc (keeps skin and hair healthy). I give it to the cats, dogs and even our chickens! There are so many benefits to giving your pets whole foods. If it's of interest to you, I encourage you to do some research (and ask your veterinarian) to find out what is best for your pets!
All pets deserve to be spoiled, and I love being able to spoil these three daily! Comment below with your pet's name, their funny quirks and how you spoil them daily!